Nashville Invisalign

Comfortable, Discreet Treatment

If you’re in or around Nashville and want a treatment option that prioritizes comfort, control, and a low profile, Invisalign from Braces by Dr. Ruth might be the solution for you.

What Is Invisalign?

Created in 1999 as a response to the growing number of adults opting for orthodontic procedures, Invisalign clear aligners were originally designed to treat mild cosmetic dental corrections.

Now, that is no longer the case.

Invisalign can be used to correct many of the other most common issues that require for orthodontic work, including:

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Gapped teeth
  • Overcrowding

Invisalign® is made with their own patented material called SmartTrack®.

FDA-approved and made of BPA, BPS, gluten, and latex-free thermoplastic, SmartTrack® was developed after 8 years of research and testing nearly 300 different materials to find the most effective one.

invisalign nashville tn

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign offers a variety of treatment plans. Invisalign Full is the most common and focuses on treating the entire mouth. Invisalign Lite is a shorter treatment option that is best suited for mild malocclusion cases. Invisalign Express 10 is designed for less complicated treatments.

Lastly, Invisalign Express 5 and Invisalign i7 are meant for minor crowding and spacing issues. We will examine your orthodontic needs and decide on the best option for you.

Invisalign® is not right for everyone, and at Braces By Dr. Ruth, we’ll always work closely with you to find your perfect treatment.

nashville orthodontics

Benefits Unique to Invisalign

With Invisalign, you get clear advantages over other clear aligners.


Invisalign® aligners are durable and sturdy, which means they tend to be slightly thicker than other options. If you lead an active lifestyle, this quality can help keep your aligners intact.


Legacy & Longevity

Invisalign® was the first brand of clear aligners and is often what comes to mind when people think of “invisible braces.” This means that Invisalign® has had many years to evolve and perfect the treatment.


With Invisalign®, we will use their company-designed iTero scanner to track the progression of tooth movement. It takes initial impressions, progress tracking as the process continues, and time lapses to help detect which teeth have shifted.



Even if you had traditional metal braces in the past, Invisalign could be a great option to help you achieve your teeth straightening goals. Dr. Ruth can help you make an informed decision based on your specific needs.

What to Expect

Creating Your
Treatment Plan

Dr. Ruth uses 3D imaging to create a customized treatment plan for clear aligners for each patient. However, it’s important to note that not all teeth move at once.

The aligners straighten the teeth a couple at a time until your perfect smile has taken shape. You will need to visit the office about every 10-12 weeks so we can evaluate how the treatment is progressing and adjust the treatment plan if needed.


Starting Your Treatment

The first step to starting your journey with Invisalign is taking impressions of your teeth. Dr. Ruth will use 3D computer imaging technology to map out the positioning of your teeth, from where you are now until the teeth are moved into proper positioning.

This information is used to create a series of aligners to move your teeth.

orthodontist tennessee

Tips for Treatment

You’ll need to wear your clear aligners for at least 22 hours per day.

You can remove them for eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, and flossing. Each aligner will be worn for about two weeks, and then you will switch to the next aligner in the series so your teeth can gradually move into the correct position.

The treatment time varies, but typically Invisalign treatment is the same as traditional braces for teens and about a year for adults.

Begin Your Path to a
Clear Smile

Are you ready to smile with confidence? Take the first step toward your new, beautiful smile with a free consultation at our Nashville office. Dr. Ruth and our friendly, expert team are looking forward to helping you get the smile you’ve always wanted.

See if Invisalign is the perfect treatment for you at a free consultation by calling today. We can’t wait to get started!

orthodontists nashville tn